Configuration Scripts Overview
The configuration scripts simplify configuration operations. The following configuration scripts are available:- default-ip.rsc: Allows the Ethernet interface to be automatically configured after resetting the device.
- node.rsc: Configures the device as a Node.
- sector.rsc: Configures the device as a Sector.
- ptp.rsc: Configures the device as a Point-to-Point Link.
After configuring your Ethernet interface, use the /tool fetch command to download the script into your device. If the script reauires any parameters, these are specified using the http-data parameter. For example, the node.rsc script configures the device as a Node. The parameters specify the Node name (which must begin with your callsign) and the location (latitude and longitude) of the Node.
/tool fetch url="" mode=http\
http-method=post http-data="kz7zzz-01&lat=45.523064&lon=-122.676483"
To execute this script, use one of the following two commands. The first command resets the device prior to running the script. Note that this will terminate your connection, and you will not be able to reconnect to the device until the script has completed. The second command allows you to watch as the script is executed.
/system reset-configuration no-defaults=yes run-after-reset=node.rsc
/import verbose=yes file=node.rsc
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